Policy Platform
Gay Marriage
Our party believes that people should be able to choose who they marry, and that it should not hinder them from doing anything else. There should be no law or rules that is passed that will harm them or their current lives. We also believe that adoption agencies shouldn’t stop couples from adopting based on their sexual orientation. Gay marriage and adoption through these couples should be legalized and should not have to face discrimination due to something that they cannot change. We will fight for the rights of everyone.
Cyber Security
Cybersecurity is one of the many things that impacts the lives of millions of Americans. We want to help create an internet that is safe and secure to keep the business and economy systems in the United States healthy.
Mental Health Funding
Mental health support is extremely important to students who struggling to cope with the sudden load of work. Along with the pressures of some students who need to find a job or internship. There has to be some kind of dependable support for children who don’t understand what to do. More mental health funding will make sure that kids who don’t know what to do have a backbone of certified people who are extremely willing to help and make sure that they are okay for every public-school system.
Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is an underrated source of energy in the modern era. When done right, its benefits are incredible. Approximately â…• of all energy production inside the United States is made through only 106 nuclear power plants. It causes far less pollution than fossil fuel burning, which is very beneficial to the environment. It is also significantly cheaper than fossil fuel methods. This will allow benefits for everyone. The consumer gets better prices, and we keep our energy production high while keeping the resulting pollution low. As long as we place proper restrictions, nuclear energy can be an immense benefit to our nation.
Awareness For Both Genders
We want to raise awareness for and support issues that negatively impact both genders but only have public help for one. A majorly underlooked problem in our society is abuse against men. While the rates of abuse perpetrated against men are lower than women, they are still significant. This is made worse by the lack of abuse shelters for men. There is widespread support across the board for women’s abuse shelters, so where is the representation for men? Bias can also be found in the courts system. On average, women tend to get less severe punishments for the same crime. We also support maintaining the rules around equal pay. There are plenty more issues that impact the genders unequally, and we are determined to shed light on them and help to fix those problems.
Affirmative Action
We believe that affirmative action needs to be changed. In its current state, affirmative action rewards or penalizes you based entirely upon your race. The way this system works truly represents racism. To believe that someone is more deserving of a college education solely due to the color of skin or your national origin is deplorable. We believe that race should not play a factor in college admissions, and that instead income status is taken into account. People from lower income areas have less resources available to them to do well in schools. If we help those people get a higher education, we can help bring the lower class into the luxuries of the middle class. By solving the problem this way, we can still help those who need it without using a system that only cares about color.
Immigration is a hard topic to get around; however, we believe that immigrants who are legal and have the right credentials should have an easier time to get through to America safely and happily. But illegal immigrants who would like to bring harm or bring harmful things into America should be given suitable punishment (detained) and sent back to their home country before any damage in committed.